This 36-Year-Old McDonald’s Owner/Operator is Building a Legacy in His Community

This 36-Year-Old McDonald’s Owner/Operator is Building a Legacy in His Community

Meet Andre Hill from Columbus, Ohio.

At just 36, Andre became one of McDonald’s newest owner/operators in December 2019, and he’s already making strides to establish himself as a pillar in his community.

“Being able to provide job opportunities, along with exposure and access to leaders in the community, is something special,” Andre says. “Kids who look like me don’t see this in their homes every day.”

Andre’s connection to McDonald’s runs deep, starting in his childhood in metro Detroit. He and his older brother, who has special needs, were frequent visitors to the Golden Arches.

“Sometimes we had to avoid driving past a McDonald’s,” Andre recalls with a laugh. “If my brother saw one and we didn’t stop, he’d throw a fit.”

For Andre’s mother, Gale, McDonald’s was more than just a treat for her two sons. As a single parent, it was a convenient option that her boys loved.

“She loved to cook, but it wasn’t always easy or convenient,” Andre explains. “McDonald’s was our favorite place to go as kids.”

While raising her family, Gale worked her way up at General Motors in Detroit for more than 20 years. Then, about 12 years ago, she decided to embark on a new chapter, becoming a McDonald’s owner/operator in Columbus, Ohio.

“I’ve seen nothing but success from my mom,” Andre says proudly. “Thank God I’ve always been able to look up to her.”

Although Gale never pushed Andre to join the business, her example left a lasting impression. Initially, Andre pursued a different path, earning an MBA and working for a prominent automobile company in Detroit.

“I gained excellent business acumen from a well-established company, and I’ve applied those lessons to enhance our business,” Andre shares.

But the entrepreneurial drive was always there. In 2016, Andre moved to Ohio to join McDonald’s Next-Gen program, eventually taking over one of his mom’s four restaurants.

Now, Andre is focused on the impact he can make on his community.

“I was fortunate to grow up in metro Detroit, surrounded by successful and influential people who owned businesses, climbed corporate ladders, and achieved great things,” Andre says. “Many kids of color don’t have that representation. It’s important for my mom and me to serve as examples for our community.”

Today, Andre plays a hands-on role in their four restaurants and strives to make a difference in the lives of his employees.

“My staff knows me—they see me regularly and have my cell phone number,” he says. “I’m very aware of the role model I need to be and the positive impact I can have.”

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